Deli Share Party Set
( 20 Persons )$4000
( 25 Persons )$4800
**到會須知 Catering Essentials
付費流程: 3天工作天前先付50% 訂金,送貨當天付尾數
With disposable plate, plastic cutlery and napkin.
Payment terms: 50% deposit settled 3 working days before event date; 50% C.O.D.
Specially Free delivery charge.

( 20 Persons set choose 2) / ( 25 Persons set choose 3)
Lobster Salad with crab roe Vol-au-vent 龍蝦蟹籽沙律酥皮盒
Mango & Shrimp Vol-Au Vent 鮮芒果大蝦酥盒
Smoked Salmon Rosette 煙三文魚玫瑰
Mini Croissant Black Truffle Egg Salad 迷你黑松露蛋沙律牛角包
Shrimp, Cherry Tomato & Sausages Skewer 大蝦車厘茄車腸串
Parma Ham & Melon 巴拿馬火腿配蜜瓜
Vietnamese Rice Roll (Prawns)越式米紙卷 (蝦)
Asparagus Beef Roll 燒牛肉露荀多士
Green Grape & Cheddar Cheese Cube 青提子車打芝士串
Deep-fried Mini Prawn Toasts 迷你炸蝦多士
C. Main Dish
( 20 Persons set choose 4) / ( 25 Persons set choose 5)
Roasted Wild Mushroom Ratatouille 燒野菌意大利雜菜(V)
Glazed Ham with Rosemary Honey Sauce 燒火腿配百里香蜜糖汁
Sole Roulade with Bacon 朧脷柳煙肉卷
Roasted New Zealand Rack of Lamb 香草燒紐西蘭羊排
Grilled Pork Drumsticks w/ BBQ Sauce 燒烤醬烤豬仔脾
Chicken Wings in Black Pepper and Honey Sauce 黑椒蜜汁雞中翼
Grilled Eel Skewer 照燒鰻魚串
Red Wine Braised Beef Shanks 星級紅酒燴⽜肋
US Pork Spare Ribs with Smoked Barbecued Sauce 美式燒排骨
Smoked Salmon spaghetti with truffle Sauce 煙三文魚黑松露意粉
Seafood Baked Rice 經典白汁焗海鮮飯
Italian Meat Lasagna 焗意大利肉醬千層麵
Sergestid Shrimps Fried Rice 櫻花蝦炒飯
B. Salad
20/ 25 Persons set choose 2
Prawns & Fruit Salad 大蝦雜果沙律
Show Cook Chicken Breasts Salad with Herbs 香草慢煮雞胸沙律
Apple & Celery Salad with Nuts 蘋果西芹果仁沙律 (V)
Smoked Salmon, Avocado Salad 煙三文魚牛油果沙律
Roasted PumQuin Salad 烤南瓜藜麥沙律 (V)
D. Dessert
( 20 Persons set choose 2) / ( 25 Persons set choose 3)
Chestnut tart 蒙布朗栗子塔
Mini Napoleon 拿破崙蛋糕(Mango & Strawberry)
Bamboo Charcoal Mango Roll 日式竹炭芒果蛋糕
Opera Cake 歌劇院蛋糕
Dark truffle Chocolate Cake 黑松露朱古力蛋糕
Honey Cheese Cake 蜜糖芝士餅
Lemon Cheese Cake 檸檬芝士餅
Blueberry Cheese Cake 藍梅芝士餅
Tiramisu Squares 意大利芝士蛋糕
Chocolate Brownie 朱古力布朗尼
Mini Fresh Fruit Tartlets 迷你鮮果撻
Mini Cream Puff 迷你忌廉芭芙