Deli Dessert Set
自選6 款甜品 $2400 / 8 款甜品 $3000
1.Chestnut tart 蒙布朗栗子塔 30 pcs (NEW)
2.Mini Napoleon 拿破崙蛋糕(Mango & Strawberry) 30 pcs (NEW)
3.Bamboo Charcoal Mango Roll 日式竹炭芒果蛋糕 30 pcs (NEW)
4. Opera Cake 歌劇院蛋糕 30 pcs (NEW)
5.Dark truffle Chocolate Cake 黑松露朱古力蛋糕 30 pcs (NEW)
6.Honey Cheese Cake 蜜糖芝士餅 30 pcs (NEW)
7.Lemon Cheese Cake 檸檬芝士餅 30 pcs
8.Blueberry Cheese Cake 藍梅芝士餅30 pcs
9.Tiramisu Squares 意大利芝士蛋糕 30 pcs
10.Chocolate Brownie 朱古力布朗尼 30 pcs
11.Mini Fresh Fruit Tartlets 迷你鮮果撻 30 pcs
12. Mini Cream Puff 迷你忌廉芭芙 30 pcs
13.Half Baked Cheese Tart 半熟芝士撻(7cm)30 pcs +$250
14. Macaron 法式馬卡龍 +$250
**到會須知 Catering Essentials
另設現場擺盤服務 適合各種婚禮 小朋友生日派對
付費流程: 3天工作天前先付50% 訂金,送貨當天付尾數
精選套餐優惠免運費 :偏遠地區及離島除外
With disposable plate, plastic cutlery and napkin.
Payment terms: 50% deposit settled 3 working days before event date; 50% C.O.D.
Specially delivery Discount :NT, KLN & Hong Kong Island Free delivery charge.