google-site-verification=irUAcv0e-9QXLyQixbr_PVQvODxdadoqr54SUH2dVP4 Delicacy Catering | 到會
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提供多元化的到會服務,包括公司開張、週年慶典、國際會議、商務酒會、商務飯盒、侍應服務、租借傢私等。Delicacy 團隊會為客人提供尊業意見協助客戶能順利舉辦各式各樣的到會或餐飲安排。

Your Professional Catering Partner

Delicacy Asia is a new catering brand since 2017. We are provided  high quality catering services to corporate in Hong Kong. Buffet, Canape, Bento Box, Packed Meals, Equipment, Waiter Staff... 

We will work with you to create a menu that fits your taste, budget and style. We hope that can Satisfy your necessary. 

Delicacy Asia  是由2017 年建立的到會品牌,Delicacy 的理念是希望客人可以用合理的價錢享受酒店級水準,更可以因應客人的要求度身設計合適的餐單,以全心全意的服務換取客人的滿意和口碑。

你的專業到會伙伴—— Delicacy Asia 

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Delicacy 自設三千尺工場,並配有智能西式焗爐,透過智能系統有效的控制食物品質,同時相對傳統爐具更能節省能源。我們專業到會顧問團隊會提供一站式多元化的到會服務 ,適合不同類型的到會由2 人至500人到會 不等,包括婚禮酒會, 公司午餐, 酒會, 茶聚, 侍應服務等等,務求讓客人品嚐到會美食時能夠體驗一個貼心的到會服務,有一個難忘的回憶。

Catering Clients We Have Served

Redefining Food & Event Production


It's Personal


We will work with you to

create a menu that fits your
taste, budget and style

Signature Style


Exquisite food

Expert coordination
Gracious service


Our Commitment


Locally sourced produce and the freshest ingredients means food

that is exceptional in taste.

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